Answering Service Success
Waking Girl Web Design, a Reno company, came to us twice. The first time, this one-woman show turned us down, wanting a service that would dive a little deeper into the every day operations of her business. She hired an assistant at $2000 a month, and handed off the business phone and some of the responsibilities of the business. The new found freedom from the phone felt great, but after a few months, was not a justified expense. The phone was not answered reliably, as the assistant was just one human--who got sick, had family issues, and couldn't possibly answer 3 clients all calling at the same time. The business owner took the phone back and reviewed Answering Service options again. The low rates of Tel-Com made for an easy decision, especially after footing the bill for 20 times more than her qualified package. Waking Girl Web Design experienced an immediate and dramatic boost in sales and uninterrupted work time. Don't believe us? Take a look at our client's review: Thank you, Tel-Com for faithfully answering my business phone for the last 3 months. With 200 incoming calls we gained 20 new clients, 17 new websites, handled more than 120 projects and gained over 2100 hours of uninterrupted design, sleep and family time. If it's possible to love an Answering Service, then... I do. --Waking Girl Web Design We asked Waking Girl Web Design to tell us a little bit more about how our Answering Service has helped her. Q. What has surprised you the most about using an Answering Service? A. I knew that phone calls made me anxious, but I didn't realize why. I don't like being caught off guard. I'm a people-pleaser and I like to have answers and information for people on-demand. Now that I can call people on my terms and my time, I'm able to call back with confidence. Usually there's enough information left in the message for me to find the answer or just solve the problem before returning the message. I'm also able to respond to people by email, which saves me a lot of time. Q. How has it affected your personal life? A. I didn't realize how often my family and friends were calling during the work day. Since I work from home, it's easy to blur the lines of business/pleasure time. Now I get really polite text messages from my family asking if I'm available to chat. And the super cool thing about taking a break and chatting with my mom mid-day--our conversation is never interrupted by the beep beep beep of an incoming call! That's a relief! I can truly take breaks now and focus on the person I'm talking to. Q. How have your clients responded to the change? A. I'll admit, a few VIP clients were confused and offended at first. They really wanted to feel like they could get a hold of me whenever they wanted. I showed them the benefits--by fixing the problem within minutes of their phone call, and then calling them back and directing them to their website to see the changes. That resolved their view on the Answering Service real fast! New clients absolutely love it, and know from the get-go that my time is valuable and that most of our work will be completed through email. Waking Girl also commented on her move to a new timezone. Because we are a 24/7 answering service, our clients are free to switch timezones without end-users even noticing! All Tel-Com clients are invited to share their success stories. 24 Hour Answering Service How would you like to boost your profits and get a little free time starting this week? Tel-Com has been answering phones since 1985. We have the knowledge and experience to be the voice of your company! We take great pride in representing your company over the phone, assisting your customers and helping your business grow.
So how does that boost my profits? 85% of new callers will hang up and move on to your competition if the phone is still ringing after 5 tones or worse, if it goes to voicemail. Caller confidence and trust begins the moment they hear a real person and that translates into doing business with you. Just the crucial business step of having a person answer your callers live, even if only to take a message and reach the intended person with a text message or email, will guarantee you the opportunity to gain a new customer. I've got doubts. An answering service is not for everyone, and we will be the first to tell you that Tel-Com may not be the right fit for you. Our retention rate is 99% because we hand-pick businesses that we know will succeed in our program. Your success is our success. Neither of us benefit if we are a mismatch and we’ll be the first to help find what does work for your business. We support each client’s business success through our 30 years of experience in Best Practices and superior customer service. |